The Cathedral
The Cathedral
Address: Piazza del Duomo Metro M1 stop Duomo

Commissioned by Gian Galeazzo Visconti, the Cathedral started being built in 1386. It is the third largest church in the world after the St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome and after the Cathedral of Seville. It is overall made of marble, with immense statues, arches, pillars, pinnacles. The are about 3500  statues, including 96 gargoyles. The highest pinnacle is 108.5 meters high, and has on its top the statue of the Virgin Mary, best known as the “Madonnina”, which is completely covered of gold. Inside the church there are many interesting works of art: the tomb of Gian Giacomo Medici di Marignano, known as “Il Medeghino”, the crypt and St. Carlo Borromeo’s statue, the wooden choir-stails, the Tivulziano candelabrum and the Egyptian porphyry basin. There also old stained-glass windows of the XV century. Visiting the Cathedral, it is possible to access the roof where you will have an overview of the city. It is also possible to visit the ruins of the Baptistery of San Giovanni alle Fonti (Baptistery of Sant’Ambrogio).

Art & History